Saturday, 5 August 2017

What is music?

Music has had a great impact on my life in the past few years. This may seem a bit weird; why would something as trivial as music impact a person's life in a non-trivial way?

The answer lies in my philosophy that the music a person listens to, shapes the person in some way. Music to me is a golden fabric interwoven with beautiful tales, immersing the listener into a different world. As we grow older and more mature, we usually (I do not have a source for this yet! Anyone interested in conducting a statistical analysis?) transit to listening to more meaningful music than when we were younger. Thus, the music you listen to reflects your personality and embodies your inner soul.

I believe that the crux of a good song lies in the lyrics and the delivery, in that order. I often get goosebumps listening to songs satisfying both of these criteria. I believe that music often introduces us to new worlds and thoughts that would have otherwise remained unexplored in our subconscious forever. I've listened to songs that have completely turned my expectations from the genre on its head.

Some of the songs that I will remember for their meaningful content are the following (in no particular order and by no means complete);

1. Let her go - Passenger

This song is simply beautiful. It conveys the fact that we often under appreciate the people in our lives; only when they leave us can we feel the pain emitting from the void in our hearts. The delivery is just perfect, with a slow, romantic tune.

2. Hallowed be thy name - Iron Maiden

This song, to me, at first seemed nonsensical because I could not understand the lyrics properly (being a newbie to metal!). It took me a few listens to get the actual hang of the song. This song is quite philosophical and paints a clear mental picture of a prisoner in his cell about to be taken to the gallows. He starts wondering about his life and the existence of god.

3. Hope - Vicetone ft Obama (I know, right?)

This. Song. Is. Epic. Seriously. I someday hope (haha!) to be half as good an orator as Obama is. This song is a must-listen. 

4. Lose Yourself - Eminem

Well, we all know it. Eminem is pretty (in)famous for being generous with his expletives. But, this song was what lifted me at my low points. Sometimes, you have to be strong. You can't be satisfied with where you are and you need to stretch yourself to bring out your best. After all, you only have one life to live, right?

5. Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin

Just deep. I discover new meanings almost every time I listen to this song. 


As you can see, songs of quite varying genres can be meaningful. I've found that many songs of widely varying genres have molded me into a better person. You feel both the happiness and the pain of the singer as if it were your own. Some songs just connect with the self at a metaphysical level.

Some songs have guided me through my journey, motivating me through my lows and reminding me to keep pushing and working hard towards my goal during the highs. Music is love. Music is life. <3


  1. Replies
    1. I did not like the lyrics of the song much. The tune is catchy, yes.

  2. Try wasted years, blood brothers, dear of the dark by iron maiden as well..
    And listen to stuffs by Ozzy Osbourne.

    1. Thanks for the recommendations! I'll definitely check them out :)


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